Tag Archives: macho man randy savage

Top 10 Moments of Raw That Are NEVER Mentioned! (Written By: Maurice D. Proffit)

22 Jun

******Top 10 moments of raw never mentioned******

From all areas of media, whether it’s the internet, phone calls, TV ads, text messages, email alerts, smoke signals, messages in a bottle, Morse Code, WWE has taken the liberty to make sure that all walks of life are aware of the 1000th episode of Monday Night Raw that is happening on July 23rd 2012, live from St. Louis, Missouri. Taking nothing away from this crowning achievement, because this is an accomplishment that is rarely seen in today televisions standards. Gone are the days when a family sitcom can average about 8-10 years on television. Now shows are struggling to have 10 episodes filmed for them. But above all of the episodes of M*A*S*H, The Simpsons, Gunsmoke, Seinfeld, we see the most unlikely underdog grab that heavyweight crown and we are reminded (or grinded with) that Monday night Raw is the longest weekly episodic television program in TV history and continue they shall.

This “fake” stuff actually works, huh?

Raw has provided us with some unbelievable viewing. Television that made those Tuesday morning talks with your buddies on the bus or Tuesday water cooler talk at the office about the happenings that took place the night before on Raw.

So….about that Katie Vick segment from last night….

Whether it be a solid IC title match between The Rock and Triple H. Or an interview that Mankind delivered. Or even a Diva Segment that held our attention. And could be seeing an actually title change occur on live TV. The smorgasbord of happenings was endless and Raw never failed (for the most part) in giving us something memorable.

*Sniff* I swear…I’ll never forget this episode of Raw. *Sniff*Sniff*

Leading up to this 1000th episode of Raw, we have been seeing some great Raw Moments in its history. Whenever I see the visual bumper for it, I always get Goosebumps in me, knowing that I’m about to indulge in some nostalgic goodness. But what tires me is that whenever they do these “Raw Flashback”…I GET THE SAME THING! Not taking anything away from the moments we have all shared together, but sometimes, the WWE wants to act as if Raw did not exist before 1998. With the exception of showing the quick highlight clips of the inaugural episode and the infamous “1-2-3 kid upset”, between Jan 11th 1993 and January 19th 1998, the WWE forgets that Raw was even on the air because we never get any highlights during that 5 year span. And not only that, many moments get over looked beyond that 5 year span.

1993-1998??? Bitch Please!!!

When WWE gives us our “Raw Moment of the Week”, I got $20 that says that we are going to see one of the following:

McMahon in the hospital, Austin attacks him

-the Austin Beer truck before wm 15

-something involving the 200 guest hosts that they had

-John Cena coming to Raw per the draft

-Mike Tyson/Stone Cold Scuffle the night after the 1998 Royal Rumble.

But what about those key moments that NEVER get mentioned. I at times hold on to a sliver of hope, hoping that one day, one of these will be mentioned and/or highlighted on a broadcast of Monday Night Raw.

Lets see what treasures are beyond…

10.) Howard Finkel vs Harvey Wimpleman in a tuxedo match.  (January 10th 1994)

Yeah, lets just get this one out the way.
(Thank the lord none of them wear a thong)

This has been an slow burn of an issue with both the veteran ring announcer and the manager. They have always had a passive aggressive relationship where Howard Finkel would not give Harvey the appropriate introduction, according to Harvey’s standards. This got to a point where a Tuxedo match was appropriate for the two and the match would take place on the 1 year anniversary of Raw on Jan 1994.

Aftermath: The Fink wins; but in theory, we all lose due to seeing both of them in their draws.


9.) -WWE IC contender battle royal for vacant IC belt/Rick Martel vs Razor Ramon (Oct 11th 1993)

Machismo > Arrogance

This was a significant Raw moments to me, because this was one of the first times when it was evident that Razor Ramon was indeed a ring general. He and Rick Martel opened the show on Oct 11th 1993. This coming off an announcement made by Jack Tunney that Shawn Michaels has been “stripped” of the Intercontinental title due to not defending it in 30 days. Due to the ruling, that coming up Monday night Raw will hold a 20 man battle royal. The last two men in the battle royal will face off in the next episode of Raw in a 1 on 1 match and the winner will be the new IC champion. Martel and Razor were the last two, and wanted to go at it instantly. The next week, both men put on an excellent match, which told a stellar story. In the end we would see Razor Ramon win his first Intercontinental Championship.

Aftermath: Unbeknownst to the fans, this would actually be a connecting storyline to Wrestlemania 10, where Shawn and Razor would face each other in a ladder match. Shawn claimed he was the real IC champ since he never lost the title. Razor would go on to win the latter match to be the undisputed IC champion.


8.) The Steiner brothers  vs The Quebecers for the WWF Tag Team Championship; Under Québec Province rules (Sept 13th 1993)

Yup! Thats right. Dont adjust your sets. It really is a WWF Tag Team Title Match on Raw that had Meaning! o.O

The Steiner Brothers have been having a very strong title reign for months now, really being the cornerstone of tag team wrestling in the WWE. The Quebecers were an obnoxious tag team making up of Jacques’ and Pierre, managed by Johnny Polo. This episode of Raw the Quebecers were challenging the Steiner Brothers for the WWF Tag Team Titles, however, the stipulation was what was called “Quebec Province Rules”. These rules were No moves can be executed from the top rope, throwing your opponent over the top rope was illegal and the title can change hands on a DQ or Count out. The Quebecers claimed that these are the official rules in said province. With said rules this would rule out the possibility of the bulldog from the top rope, that the Steiner’s have made theirs and any “Stiner-Lines” over the top rope in which the Steiner’s use to gain momentum. Due to the nature of the match, the Steiner’s found themselves cornered as they were not used to these rules and with Jonny Polo being the obvious distraction, call of this could cause frustration. Leading Scotty Steiner to that brink as he brought in the Hockey Stick of Johnny Polo and used it on the challengers. Per the rules, the Steiner’s were DQ’d and the Quebecers were the new WWF Tag Team Champions.

Aftermath: The Steiner’s never won back the Tag Titles, as the Quebecers went on to hold those belts for another 6 months.


7.) Edge and Lita have “Live/Torrid” Sex!!! (January 9th 2006)

Oh shit. I forgot my moms in row 7, Lita.

January 2006 was the beginning of a half year of some memorable overall WWE moments. The first PPV of the year was WWE New Years Revolution. The night before the Jan 9th edition of Raw, Edge cashes in his Money in the Bank contract to face John Cena for the WWE Championship immediately after John wins the Elimination Chamber. Edge pin Cena to win the WWE Championship for the first time. To celebrate this feat, Lita decides to give Edge a reward he’ll never forget. She will reward him with live sex, live on Raw in the middle of the ring. (Bow-Chicka-Wow-Wow!). The time comes for this segment to begin and in the middle of the ring is a large heart shaped bed. This segment quickly turned into the first 5 min of the TV show, “Silk Stalkings” that used to come on immediately after Raw, where we saw a lot of skin from the two and Lita in a very revealing bra and panties set. And for the added enjoyment of the male audience, there actually was a live boob slip on Litas behalf which brought the crowd to their feet. Making this segment, that much more legendary.

Aftermath: The ending of the segment ended with Shenanigans


6.) Gorilla Monsoon Ejects Bobbie Heenan from Raw…and the WWF (November 29th 1993)

I’m telling you bud, Schivone sucks.

The pairing of both Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan goes back to the early years of the Golden Era of WWF. So, we’re talking about a good 5-6 years of these two giving us some of the best back n forth commentary. Monsoon and Heenan were welcomed into our homes and their relationship was unlike anyone else’s. The two would spend hours debating back n forth with each other about the state of pro wrestling and the athletes. Heenan would justify his dubious ways as Gorilla had no problems at all, calling his wrong ways out. Bobby Heenan was on his way out the door to leave for WCW, but Gorilla had the honor to physically “throw him out the building and out the WWF”. It was only fitting that it would happen this way on an episode of Raw in late 1993. Before the show went dark, we would see Bobby Heenan giving a final salute to Raw and the WWF.

Aftermath: Heenan would go on to WCW, but never really captured that magic that he had in the WWF. Nothing lacking on his part, but due to WCW not pairing him with the right personality. We would see Heenan once again in the WWF at Wrestlemania 17, where he called the Gimmick Battle Royal with Mean Gene Okerlund.


5.)” The Nature Boy “ Ric Flair vs Mr. Perfect (Retirement Match) (January 25th 1993)

If you would’ve told me that WCW was going to try to recreate this in 4 years…yeah, I’d believe it.

This was a very unique and very exciting match due to the history of both Flair and Perfect. When Ric Flair came into the WWF in 1991, he was soon paired with Mr. Perfect with Perfect being his “Executive Consultant”. In Nov. 1992 at the Survivor Series, Macho Man and Ultimate Warrior were booked to take on Ric Flair and Razor Ramon. The Warrior was no longer with the WWF and live on Primetime Wrestling (the Monday night show, before Raw), Macho Man announced that replacing The Warrior, he wanted Mr. Perfect as his partner. While Perfect and Bobby Heenan had a laugh over it, Perfect thought that it would be a good opportunity to step aside and remove him from being the shadow of Ric Flair. Flair and Heenan were not fond of this and Perfect took it upon himself to no longer be affiliated with Flair. The WWF was not big enough for the two of them and someone had to go. And we were given this incredible match which told the story of a lifetime. In the end it would be Mr. Perfect to reign victorious. Good Bye and Thank you Ric Flair.

Aftermath: Ric Flair would go back to WCW and win 6 more world titles. Ric would be back in the WWF in late 2001.


4.) Brian Pillman is armed as Stone Cold invades his home.

I don’t Call 9-1-1!

On an episode of WWF Superstars, Brian Pillman has an in ring interview with Stone Cold Steve Austin. To wrestling enthusiast, this was an interview worth watching as this would be the first time we’d be seeing the former members of “The Hollywood Blondes” (WCW Tag Team) in the ring together. But in the WWF, they were billed as being “Long Time Friends”. At the end of the interview, Pillman called Austin “The Best Was, the Best there is and the Best There Will Be”, and Austin attacks him. At the tail end of the attack, Austin “breaks” Pillmans ankle by placing his ankle in-between the top and base of a folded up folding chair and jumped off the top rope and onto the chair “Shattering” the ankle. The next week on Raw, Vince McMahon was interviewing Pillman via satellite while Pillman was at home nursing his injury. During the interview, commotion stirs up as they hear that Austin is on his way to Pillmans house to “finish the job”. In the interest of protecting his home and his family, Pillman announces on Raw that he has a loaded 9mm hand gun and if Austin comes in, he’s going to blow his brains out. This was one of the most intense segments ever on Raw as Austin was nearing closer and close, Pillman was cocking that weapon more and more just ready to pull the trigger. At the defining moment when Austin actually broke in the house and was in Pillmans living room, the camera shot over to Brian pointing the gun at Austin and then the live satellite feed was lost.

Aftermath: According to Vince, Pillman was restrained and the gun was taken away. Both him and Austin were restrained and pulled away from each other. Vince McMahon received A LOT of heat from the USA network regarding this segment, claiming it be “too real”.  McMahon had no idea what the difference was between this and a movie having the same kind of scenario happening. Good point.


3.)WWF  Monday Night Raw gives us WCW Monday Night Nitro; ON RAW!

I want to watch, but Mark Madden is talking on my TV? Where is the Cyanide tablet when I need it?

On an episode of Raw in May of 2001, all I remember hearing from Jim Ross was this, “After this next commercial break we will be giving you Monday Night Nitro. WHAT?!?! And Nitro they gave us for a couple of segments. The house lights changed the little “WWF” logo in the corner of the screen changed to the “WCW” logo. Ross and Heymans mics went down and Arn Anderson and Mark Madden’s mics went on. Out came Booker T and Buff Bagwell for a one on one match. This was weeks after the World Wrestling Federation purchased World Championship Wrestling. All rights belonged to the WWF. It looked as if this was going to be a regular segment on Raw until Nitro had its own show again, but this lasted very short. But this would be the first that we see Nitro on Raw.

Aftermath: This and about 1 or two more segments would be the only time this plan was done. Moving forward was the invasion storyline.


2.) Fatal 4 Way Tag Team Ladder Match: Hurricane and Kane vs. Chris Jericho & Christian vs. Jeff Hardy & Rob Van Dam vs. Bubba Ray & Spike Dudley (7/10/2002)

Arrive. Become Match of the F’n Year. Leave.

What a gem this was! I know the placement of this, may be a bit questionable, but going into this match, you’re really not thinking too much of what it could be, but when you watch it, this is one of the best matches ever seen on Monday Night Raw. Historically the Triple Threat ladder matches have always been something memorable, as we saw them happen at Summer Slam 2000 and Wrestlemania 17. Those matches were of the Dudley Boys, Edge and Christian and The Hardy Boys. And in this match, (with the exception of Kane and Hurricane) each team had 1 represented from those two matches on each team. The match truly was art and they seriously tore the house down. Combining Psychology with amazing spots, told a story that you could never forget and giving us the match of the year in 2002. Outstanding!!!


Bonus Pick (1.5)

**The Crush Savage Summit**

Its only because you let Doink kick your ass!

This took place in the latter part of 1993. Earlier in the year Yokozuna faced Crush in a one on one match on Raw for the WWF Championship. Yoko went on to win the match via the Bonzai Drop, but Yoko had more plans for the native Hawaiian. Yoko would deliver 3 banzai drops onto Crush and it took those three to happen for finally, Crush’s “best friend” Macho Man Randy Savage comes to Crush’s aid and pulled him out the ring. Crush has been on bed rest for the entire time while out and on Raw, Crushed called into Raw to have a conversation with Savage. McMahon and Heenan saying he will be on Raw the next week and he has something to say. Crush comes onto Raw and enters the ring with Mr. Fuji. Crush cuts a harmful promo on Macho Man, blaming him for what happened to him. And the only one that had Crushes best interest in mind was Master Fuji. Macho Man cannot hear anymore and enters the ring to confront Crush and to knock some sense into him, that he is better than siding himself with Fuji. Macho’s words of wisdom looked to have made Crush rethink his decision of his alignment with Fuji. Macho asked for Crushes hand in forgiveness and Crush shakes it, bringing the friendship back. But this would be short lived as Crush attacks Savage. Crush would go on to Gorilla press Macho Man on the outside of the ring and dropping him to have Savages teeth land on the steel guard barrier, busting him up. And on top of that bringing Yoko down to give Savage the Banzai drop. Completely laying Savage out and giving us a heartbreaking ending to Raw.

Aftermath: Macho Man would return a couple months later and challenge crush to a match at Wrestlemania 10. Macho Man would gain the victory at Wrestlemania concluding and winning the war.



And the Number 1 Overseen and Never Mentioned Moment of Monday Night Raw…


1.)    ECW Invades Monday Night Raw! Live from the Manhattan Center!


In 1997, WWF started working directly with ECW to give their talent some more exposure. ECW was this renegade wrestling promotion stationed in Philadelphia, PA that had a major cult following and was the hottest indy promotion, possibly on the planet. The week before, Jerry Lawler put out a challenge to the ECW to come onto Raw and bring their best and WWF will have their best available. The next weeks Raw was in the Manhattan Center where Raw Originated. With this wild crowd that came out and packed the Aragon Ballroom expecting to see something memorable, no one went home disappointed. After the first match, a Jobber entered the ring awaiting his opponent. As Raw was in-between segments, Vince McMahon was addressing the home audience but suddenly a monster rumble came from the crowd and all you see are two large men in the ring with said jobber giving him their finishing move, Total Elimination. The Eliminators (Saturn and Kronos) were in a WWF Wrestling Ring! But to make the situation even more deafening, on the microphone was a determined mad man to make sure that world hears him as he stands with the eliminators, takes the mike, points to Jerry Lawler at ringside and with every drop of emotion in him says the infamous words, “YOUR CHALLENGE HAS BEEN ACCEPTED! ECW IS IN…THE…HOUSE!” We have Mr. Paul Heyman standing in the middle of a live WWF Ring Live on Monday Night Raw! The top of the mountain top he has reached. Paul was the single match to light the fuse of dynamite to make this episode of Raw one of the greatest episodes of raw to ever be broadcasted. That night we saw the Eliminators, The Dudley Boys, The bWo,  Little Guido, Taz, 9-1-1 and Sabu. Never has this been done on wrestling before where a rival promotion would be on the air with that promotion. But it was done that night. And after that, Monday Night Raw and the WWF overall would never be the same again.

Aftermath: This would be ECW’s launch pad as ECW went on to being bigger and better than it ever has been before. Their First PPV was in April of 1997 and excelled from there. Due to some internal financial issues, ECW would close its doors in 2001. WWF would buy the rights to ECW and would resurrect the promotion as a WWE Brand. Having a reunion show in 2005 and 2006 and launching the brand in June 2006. ECW would be put to a permanent rest in Feb 2010.

Wrestlemania 8 (Written by: Maurice D. Proffit)

12 Mar

Wrestlemania 8


Date: April 5th, 1992

Cities: Indianapolis, Indiana

Venue: Hoosier Dome

Combined Attendance: 62,167

Sub-Theme: “Friendship Torn Apart, The Macho/Flair Affair, Hulkamania Farewell”

Celebrities: Reba McIntyre and Ray Combs

Wrestlemania 8 was the return of wrestlemania coming to a massive dome arena. This was the first wrestlemania to feature a double main event and the first wrestlemania where the world wrestling federation champion was not involved in the closing match. In my opinion, this Wrestlemania missed the mark on so many levels.

The back story of this wrestlemania is what started the fire. The 1992 Royal Rumble had a stipulation where the winner to the Rumble would win the World Wrestling Federation Championship. Going in to the Rumble, Hulk Hogan was the odds on favorite to win it, but with a shocking turn of events, Ric Flair beat the odds and lasted over 60 min, to win the vacant WWF Championship. A couple weeks later, the contract signing for the main event at Wrestlemania took place for the inevitable dream match (that wrestling fans have been dying for) Ric Flair vs Hulk Hogan for the WWF Championship. However, due to poor responses at house shows between the two, the championship main event was scrapped, and replacing Hogan would be Randy “Macho Man” Savage for the title and Hogan would face “former best friend” Sid Justice.

Wrestlemania had some flaws, however, one thing that was absolutely flawless was the match for the Intercontinental Championship, Rowdy Roddy Piper (champion) vs Bret “The Hitman” Hart. The quality of and story of this match was reminiscent of Savage and Steamboat 5 years earlier; different, yet familiar. In my opinion, this and the championship match stole the show. In a bloody battle, Bret Hart went on to win the IC belt for the 2nd time.

Taker Moment: The Undertaker went against Jake The Snake Roberts in a grudge match. Undertaker tombstone Jake outside the ring, and placed him back in the ring for the 1-2-3 pin fall victory. Undertaker is 2-0 at wrestlemania.


Macho Man Randy Savage and Ric Flair gave an excellent 20 min match, with a very intense story. Leading up to the match, and to give it a little more spice, Flair made allegations that him and Liz had a very romantic past with each other and claimed to have rekindled the relationship. Flair had doctored up photos of him and Liz and had them published in the WWF magazines. This drove Savage insane and was willing to do anything to Flair to extract revenge. Savage did such a fine job at selling the match, that his intensity showed that getting his hands on Flair meant more to him than winning the WWF Championship. In another wrestlemania quality match, Savage stole the show, and he won the World Wrestling Federation championship. Even after being declared the victor, Savage still wanted more of Flair. It took Mr. Perfect from getting Flair and fleeing ringside to save him and Elizabeth and refs to stop Savage to calm him down in risk of the decision being reversed. But the overall was that we had a new champion.

Wrestlemania closed out with Sid Justice vs Hulk Hogan in a grudge match. This match was being billed as the end of the Hulkamania tour as Hogan was going to “retire” (aka: take some time off). This match missed a lot of queues and seriously should’ve been in the middle of the card. Papa Shango made an interference in the match but was REALLY late making his interference into the match, leading to Hogan winning via Disqualification. This was also the return of the Ultimate Warrior. When Shango and Sid were beating on Hogan, the Warrior returned and  saved Hogan. Now in credit, this was before the Internet era, so this surprise was a really big deal, and I can only imagine what the good fans in the Hoosier Dome were feeling when his music hit and he ran to ringside. I also heard that Sid crapped in his pants in this match, I guess it was just symbolic of the collective feel of everyone’s opinion of the match. (womp-womp)

Match Card

Dark: The Bushwhackers (Luke Williams and Butch Miller) defeated The Beverly Brothers

Shawn Michaels (with Sensational Sherri) defeated El Matador

The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Jake Roberts

Bret Hart defeated Roddy Piper (c)

The Big Boss Man, Virgil, Sgt. Slaughter, and Jim Duggan defeated The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags), Repo Man, and The Mountie (with Jimmy Hart)

Randy Savage (with Miss Elizabeth) defeated Ric Flair (c) (with Mr. Perfect)

Tatanka defeated Rick Martel

The Natural Disasters (Earthquake and Typhoon) defeated Money Inc. (Ted DiBiase and Irwin R. Schyster) (c) (with Jimmy Hart) by countout

Owen Hart defeated Skinner

Hulk Hogan defeated Sid Justice (with Harvey Wippleman) by disqualification

Wrestlemania VI (Written By: Maurice D. Proffit)

11 Mar

Wrestlemania 6

Date: April 1st , 1990

Cities: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Venue: Toronto Sky Dome

Combined Attendance: 67,678

Sub-Theme: “The Ultimate Challenge”

Celebrities: Steve Allen, Robert Goulet and Rona Barrett

Wrestlemania 6 was the first Wrestlemania to be held on international soil, taking place in Toronto, Canada. This Wrestlemania can be looked at as the most remembered wrestlemania among casual wrestling fans and people in general. This was the first time when the main event pitted the two most popular stars at the time (and arguably the two most popular in history among casual wrestling fans) against each other. We’re taking “The Ultimate Challenge”; World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion The Ultimate Warrior vs The World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan. Title for Title. In which both the IC and The World Title would be on the line. One man would leave with both belts. Very non-traditional in terms of a champion vs champion match. Normally a match of this caliber, the secondary title would not be on the line. But because this match was a matter of Which power was greater? Hulkamania or The Power of the Warrior? This match has to be the underline answer. Thus both titles are on the line.

Personally, yes, I felt this wrestlemania was memorable, in terms of the main event. You didn’t necessarily see a “good guy” vs “good guy” main event during this day and age. With both men being the most popular in the company, fans had no other choice but to choose a side for this match. It was a clear 50/50 split of whom the crowd was pulling for. However, the rest of the card was pretty forgettable. I did enjoy The Million Dollar Man “Ted DiBiase vs Jake “The Snake” Roberts match. It was a grounded wrestling match, given enough time to tell a decent story in the ring, as opposed to some of the other matches that only lasted about 3-4 min.

When I watched this earlier, it made me think of how much of a missed opportunity the WWF made, regarding Savage vs Rhodes. I know it’s an apples and oranges comparison, but if the NWA has their hands on that match, that match would’ve headlines Starrcade, easily.

I was not yet a wrestling fan when this came on, but I remember my classmates in elementary school were, and looking back on that now, reminds me of the Rock/Cena divide now (without FB an twitter, of course). Kids arguing back and forth over who was better, Hogan or Warrior.

Hogan beat so-n-so; Warrior beat so-n-so. Hogan was two time world champ; Warrior was the two time IC champ. Hogan was stronger; warrior was stronger. The match up itself really left you wondering, who would be the winner? The real winner were the fans. But after a 20+ min battle of strength and drama, The Ultimate Warrior was that much of the better man to stand victorious as he defeated the Immortal Hulk Hogan to win the World Wrestling Federation championship title.

Match Card

Dark Match:  Paul Roma defeated The Brooklyn Brawler

Rick Martel defeated Koko B. Ware

Demolition (Ax and Smash) defeated The Colossal Connection (André the Giant and Haku) (c) (with Bobby Heenan) to win the WWF Tag Team Championships

Earthquake (with Jimmy Hart) defeated Hercules

Brutus Beefcake defeated Mr. Perfect (with The Genius)

Roddy Piper and Bad News Brown fought to a double countout.

The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart) defeated The Bolsheviks (Nikolai Volkoff and Boris Zhukov).

The Barbarian (with Bobby Heenan) defeated Tito Santana

Dusty Rhodes and Sapphire (with Miss Elizabeth) defeated Randy Savage and Sensational Queen Sherri

The Orient Express (Sato and Tanaka) (with Mr. Fuji) defeated The Rockers (Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty) by countout

Jim Duggan defeated Dino Bravo (with Jimmy Hart and Earthquake)

Ted DiBiase (c) (with Virgil) defeated Jake Roberts by countout, to retain the Million Dollar Championship

The Big Boss Man defeated Akeem (with Slick)

Rick Rude (with Bobby Heenan) defeated Jimmy Snuka

The Ultimate Warrior (Intercontinental Champion) defeated Hulk Hogan (WWF Champion) to win the WWF Championship




Wrestlemania V (Written By: Maurice D. Proffit)

9 Mar


Date: April 2nd, 1989
Cities: Atlantic City, New Jersey
Venue: Trump Plaza
Combined Attendance: 18,946
Sub-Theme: “The Mega Powers Explode”
Celebrities: Run-DMC; Morton Downey, Jr. and Donald Trump
Wrestlemania 5 was the culmination of a one year story line that surrounded The Mega Powers. The Mega Powers was the tag team formed together of the then World Wrestling Federation Champion “Macho Man” Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan. With this being a year round storyline, it was fitting that this story concludes at the venue where it started. In addition this was the only two wrestlemania to be held at the same venue for consecutive years.
After Randy Savage won the 14 man tournament at Wrestlemania 4, shortly after that he joined forces with Hulk Hogan and together, as the Mega Powers, they took on various heel tag teams in the company. However as time continued to go on, the tension between Savage ad Hogan continued to rise, more so on Savages part. At 1/7/89 Saturday nights main event, Hogan was in a one on one match with Akeem “The African Dream”. And took a beating by both him and his tag team partner “The Big Boss Man”. Savage came to Hogans rescue with a steel chair, and whil Savage cleared the ring, Elixabeth (Savages valet) escorted Hogan to the medic in the back. Savage was upset with this. Issues carried over to the Royal Rumble that year when Hogan accidently eliminated Macho and they had words as well, but it all cleared up. The last straw was at the Feb 3 edition of “The Main Event”. The match was The Mega Powers vs The Twin Towers, during the match, Liz was accidently knocked out when the Twin towers threw Savage outside the ring. Hogan carried Liz to the medic in the back and left Savage to be pummeled by the Twin Towers. When Hogan returned to the match, Savage had the opportunity to tag out, but instead slapped Hogan in the face and left ringside. In the medic, Savage got into a verbal confrontation with Hogan, with Liz right there, accusing Hogan of having a relatonsyhip with Liz. Hogan denied, and with Savage in a jelous rage, attached Hogan with the WWF Championship. The Mega Powers were no more.
This brings us to Wrestlemania 5, with an overly stacked card of 14 matches.  Im sure the WWF got a pretty solid deal to bring Wrestlemania to Trump Plaza two years in a row and was great business for the venue and casino. So great in fact that once again, we see Donald Trump and his associates and NOW Ivana (or was that WM 4?) encomopassing the first 3-4 rows. And us viewers at home get a strong eye full of them not paying attention and or missing for half the PPV, but are there for the main event at least. I get you guys are rich and rich people always have to appear busy, but geez, lighten up a little!
Personally, one of my favorite matches was for the Intercontinental Championship, The Ultimate Warrior (champion) vs Ravishing Rick Rude. Rude carried this match very well and made the limited Warrior look especially strong. The highlight was Bobby Heenan’s interference in the match, which costed The Warrior the title and Rude is the new champion.

The Main event is for the WWF Championship. Champion, Randy “Macho Man” Savage vs Challenger Hulk Hogan. I think this was the first main event match of wrestlemania with a heightened amount of emotion behind it. Savage and Hogan played a character that all men can relate to. One being the very erratic and irrational jelouse boyfriend and one being the misunderstood, see it from my angel, but im going to defend my honor kind of guy. As much as it plays out as a shakesphere play, this match was full of intensity. I personally think that Randy really BROUGHT IT in this match. Savage dug deep in emotions in this match and really sold it to us the viewers that he would be willing to do anything to keep the WWF title, where as with Hogan, at times it looked as if he was just picking up his belt and leaving. I think Jesse The Body Venturas commentary said it all in this match when he praised the work and achievements of Savage at the beginning of the match and stated that Hogan just coatailed his way to this championship match, and who in the hell was Elizabeth before she got with Savage??? Wow…I miss that kind of commentary. In the end after a brutal battle, it would be Hulk Hogan who stands in victory and win the World Wrestling Federation Championship for the 2nd time.
Match Card
-Hercules defeated King Haku (with Bobby Heenan)
– The Twin Towers (Akeem and The Big Boss Man) (with Slick) defeated The Rockers (Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty)
– Brutus Beefcake and Ted DiBiase (with Virgil) fought to a double countout
– The Bushwhackers (Luke Williams and Butch Miller) defeated The Fabulous Rougeaus (Jacques and Raymond) (with Jimmy Hart)[
– Mr. Perfect defeated The Blue Blazer
– Demolition (Ax and Smash) (c) defeated The Powers of Pain (The Warlord and The Barbarian) and Mr. Fuji[
– Dino Bravo (with Frenchy Martin) defeated Ronnie Garvin
– The Brain Busters (Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard) (with Bobby Heenan) defeated Strike Force (Rick Martel and Tito Santana)
– Jake Roberts defeated André the Giant (with Bobby Heenan) by disqualification
– The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart) defeated The Honky Tonk Man and Greg Valentine (with Jimmy Hart)
– Rick Rude (with Bobby Heenan) defeated The Ultimate Warrior to win the Intercontinental Championship
– Jim Duggan and Bad News Brown fought to a double disqualification
– The Red Rooster defeated Bobby Heenan (with The Brooklyn Brawler)[
– Hulk Hogan defeated Randy Savage (c) To win the World Wrestling Federation Championship.