Tag Archives: Hulk Hogan

Wrestlemania XIX (Written By: Maurice D. Proffit)

23 Mar

Wrestlemania XIX


Date: March 30th 2003

City: Seattle, Washington

Venue: Safeco Field

Combined Attendance: 54,097

Sub-Theme: “Dare to Dream”

Celebrities: Limp Bizkit and the “Bud Light Girls” (smh) and Ashanti



Wrestlemania 19 was live from Seattle, Washington. Depending either how you look at it or who you are, you can say this was either the 2nd outdoor wrestlemania or the 1st semi outdoor wrestlemania. Either way, it was a fully eventful mania.

This would be the first Wrestlemania where both of the company’s main championship titles would be defended. Since the Undisputed title was born a year prior (the physical belt), the idea of the champion bouncing back between the Raw and Smackdown Brand just wasn’t enough. And there was no way in the world that the IC title would be parallel as the main title on Raw, next to the Undisputed Championship on Smackdown. To remedy this situation, Eric Bishoff brought back the World Heavyweight Championship belt on an episode of Raw in September 2002 and awarded the title to Triple H. Triple H was the Champion on Raw and Brock Lesnar was the champion on Smackdown (which was now the WWE Championship). Brock lost the title at the 2002 Survivor Series to The Big Show, after being betrayed by Paul Hayman. Kurt Angle defeated The Big Show at Armageddon 2002 to win the WWE Championship. Brock Lesnar goes on to win the 2003 Royal Rumble, but there is a fall out between him and Angle. Angle is dead set on making sure that Brock is in no condition to wrestle for the title at Mania. Paul Heyman (no aligned with Kurt) Awards him with two wrestlers who are known as “Team Angle” Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin. Each week, both Haas and Benjamin try to take out Lesnar, but the plans never work out. After a series of matches between the three, this leads us to the final solution, Angle has to face Brock and defeat him himself, and this brings us to Wrestlemania. In the meantime, Triple H has been defending the title left and right against many competitors. Between RVD, Bubba Ray Dudley, Kane, Shawn Michaels and more, it’s been a nonstop battle. Booker T, wins a Raw battle royal to see who will wrestle the champ at Mania, and this leads to Triple H’s next opponent, Booker T.

Wrestlemania 19 is one of the most stacked Manias ever and loaded with top tier main event caliber matches. It’s hard to determine where to start since it seems as if every match on the card is worthy enough to close the show. An intense mania this is, indeed.

Undertaker Note: The Undertaker was originally involved in a tag match, teaming up with Nathan Jones to take on The Big Show and A-Train. Nathan Jones suffered an “injury” and could not compete, leaving the dead man to fend for himself. Undertaker took on both giants and defeated them both. The Undertaker is 11-0 at Wrestlemania.

Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho goes down as one of the top 10 greatest wrestlemania matches of all time. This would be Shawn Michaels Wrestlemania return to the ring. He has not been at a wrestlemania since WM 14 when he dropped the belt to Austin. The story leading into this Mania was about Chris Jericho’s (legitimate) childhood obsession of HBK. Hair like his as he’s coming up, style like his, build like his. Jericho admired Shawn to the fullest extent and naturally when you’re obsessed with someone, the best thing to do is take them out. This match was almost like a mirror match watching these two men go at it with each other. It was move after move, hold after hold, bump after bump that was a mimic of the other. But Late into the match, Michaels attempted to hit Jericho with Sweet chin music, however, Jericho countered it into a Walls of Jericho. After Michaels freed himself from Jericho’s submission hold, Jericho attempted a suplex that Michaels countered into a roll-up that gave Michaels a successful pinfall, thus Michaels won the match.

Triple H would successfully defend the World Heavyweight Championship belt against Booker T, but Booker T definately took Triple H to the absolute limit. With the exception of losing the WHC championship in the elimination chamber to Shawn Michaels, Booker legitimetly looked as if he was going to take the championship belt off the waist of Triple H.

Hulk Hogan faced off against his former employer, Vince McMahon in a street fight. Vince made the claim that he was the one that created Hulkamania, and that Hogan should acknowledge it. Hogan was hell; bent on the fact that the FANS were the ones who created Hulkamania. Due to Hogan’s defiance, Vince stated that he is going to kill what he created, and that would be Hulkamania. Both Hogan and McMahon tested each other’s strength in the beginning of the match, until McMahon tossed Hogan onto ringside. Hogan then countered a chairshot by McMahon into several of his own, that caused McMahon to bleed from the head. Late into the match, Roddy Piper interfered in the match as he hit Hogan with a pipe. Hogan however, later retaliated by hitting McMahon with a Big boot into a Leg drop and successfully pinned McMahon, thus Hogan won the match.

The next sharing the main event was the impeccable; Rock vs Austin Part 3. Never in the history of the WWF or WWE, has there been two men who main evented 3 wrestlemanias against each other. That just tells you a lot about the impact of influence that both Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock have on the business. They wrestled at both WM 15 and WM 17, on both occasions Stone Cold Steve Austin would leave victorious. This match proved that this was The Rock’s destiny to win. The match was a nonstop brawl between the two as they engaged in a heated exchange with each other. Austin was suffering from complications from his neck and looked as if he may not be able to compete, but he did indeed and gave a helluva match. Throughout the match, Rock worked over Austin’s leg, which included Rock applying a Sharpshooter on Austin. Rock then began to taunt Austin, as he put on his vest and imitated his taunts, which led to The Rock running into a Rock Bottom by Austin. Rock then retaliated by hitting Austin with a Stone Cold stunner. Earlier, The Rock cut a promo in which he stated that in Hollywood, it’s not about Act 1 nor Act 2; everyone goes home and remembers Act 3. And Act 3 is what they remembered. Because after he failed to pin Austin with the People’s elbow, Rock then hit Austin with three Rock Bottoms that led to the Rock successfully pinning Austin, thus The Rock won the match.

The final main event was a WWE Championship match between Brock Lesnar and the champion, Kurt Angle, with the stipulation that there would be no Champion’s Advantage (in other words, the title could change hands on a disqualification or a count out). Both men put on a clinic! The match began with Lesnar and Angle wrestling back and forth, until Angle countered a shoulder block into a German suplex. Lesnar would then attempt to retaliate by attempting to F-5 Angle, however, Angle countered it into an Ankle lock, that Lesnar was able to escape out of. As Lesnar escaped, Angle would attempt to deliver an Angle slam, however, Lesnar countered it into an F-5. Instead of covering Angle, Lesnar climbed to the top rope and hit a botched Shooting star press on Angle, which Angle covered for by going for the pin attempt and getting a two count. After Lesnar kicked out, Angle picked up Lesnar only to be hit with another F-5, Lesnar then successfully pinned Angle, winning the match and the WWE Championship.

Match Card


Heat- Lance Storm and Chief Morley (c) (with Dudley Boyz) defeated Kane and Rob Van Dam to retain the WWE World Tag Team Championship titles (First time a title match was on a Wrestlemania pre show)


Matt Hardy (c) (with Shannon Moore) defeated Rey Mysterio to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Championship

The Undertaker defeated The Big Show and A-Train in a handicap match.

Trish Stratus defeated Victoria (c) (with Steven Richards) and Jazz to retain the WWE Women’s Championship

Team Angle (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas) (c) defeated Los Guerreros (Eddie and Chavo Guerrero) and Chris Benoit and Rhyno to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship  (The Smackdown Tag Team Titles)

Shawn Michaels defeated Chris Jericho

Triple H (c) (with Ric Flair) defeated Booker T to retain the World Heavyweight Championship.

Hulk Hogan defeated Vince McMahon in a street fight

The Rock defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin

Brock Lesnar defeated Kurt Angle (c) to win the WWE Championship

Wrestlemania X-8 (Written By: Maurice D. Proffit)

22 Mar

Wrestlemania XVIII (18)


Date: March 17th 2002

City: Toronto, Ontario

Venue: SkyDome

Combined Attendance: 68,237

Sub-Theme: “The One and Only”

Celebrities: Drowning Pool and Saliva

Wrestlemania 18, is the 18th annual wrestlemania professional wrestling pay per view, produced by the world wrestling federation. 

This would be the last Wrestlemania with the company being named “World Wrestling Federation” or “WWF”. Shortly after this maina, The WWF would then be The WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment); due to a lawsuit settlement between the WWE and World Wildlife Fund.

Wrestlemania is returning back to Toronto. The last time Wrestlemania was in the Sky Dome was for WM 6; where over 60,000 fans witnessed Hulk Hogan vs The Ultimate Warrior; title for title. This year, the arena would hold yet another dream match. This would be the house that will bring you Icon vs Icon- The Rock vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan. In addition, Hogan is making his illustrious Wrestlemania Return!

This Wrestlemania was on the bell curve of a new era of the company. The Attitude Era was no more, this would be the rooted beginnings of the “Ruthless Aggression” era (some argue that, that started at WM 17). The invasion angle is long over, WCW guys have fully assimilated into being WWF guys. The World Titles of Wrestling have consolidated into one and a major player of THE GAME recently returned as well.

A little under a year ago, Triple H suffered a devastating quad injury (while in a match partnered with Steve Austin against Jericho and Benoit on a live edition of Raw), which immediately put him on the shelf. After surgery and many many months of rehab, Triple H made his return at the 2002 Royal Rumble and won the event. This would grant him the right to face the Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World; Chris Jericho. Jericho won this honor back in Dec of 2001 when he was victorious in a 3 match stipulation; by defeating The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin; both in the same night. With Triple H earning the main event spot, and his “ex-wife” now siding with the champion; this is set up to be a wild contest.

A week before the No Way Out 2002 PPV, in an attempt to gain vengeance against Ric Flair who has taken over the company (thanks to him being the consortium who bought Shane and Stephanie’s stock of the company), Vince McMahon announced that he is “injecting a poison into the company he father built”. Vince broke news by announcing that he was bringing in the New World Order into the WWF, and they will be debuting at No Way Out in Milwaukee, WI. After they debuted, The Rock pressed and had some fun on the expense of Hall and Nash. However, when Hogan came out to cut a promo and lash out on the fans, is when The Rock got involved. It was during this promo where The Rock challenged Hulk Hogan, one on one at Wrestlemania. Hogan accepted…GAME ON!

Wrestlemania begins with already getting 5 STARS! Rob Van Dam challenges William Regal for the WWF Intercontinental Championship. And with the 5 star frog splash, RVD wins his 2nd singles title with the company!

Undertaker Note: The Undertaker faces Ric Flair. This would be the first time (and only time) that The Undertaker is wrestling as a heel at Mania. Due to some disagreements between the Deadman and Flair, this match came about. This was a very good 20 min match, and Flair looked as good in the match as he ever did. But Taker was just too much for the Nature Boy and pins the 16 time former heavyweight champion of the world. Undertaker is 10-0 at wrestlemania.


The video package begins showing the clips of the return of the nWo at No Way Out, and then leads to the epic promo between Hulk Hogan and The Rock, where the challenge is set for Wrestlemania. Clips follow, along with heart pounding rock music to illustrate the story of these two. The last image you vividly see, is a black and white image that looks to be cutting into the current footage that we are looking at. A spliced scene from one of the many invasions the nWo did on the Monday Nitro set between Hogan, Hall and Nash. A graphic of the footage looks to be ripping in half to show us present day and plays the most familiar theme music of them all, the nWo theme, Enter Hollywood Hulk Hogan. I swear to you, as I am writing this, I am getting Goosebumps thinking of this moment. 68,237 people on their feet screaming in joy, not only because of the one of the most familiar and coolest themes of our time is playing, but because (at this time) the King of Wrestlemania, Hulk Hogan is walking down a WWF Aisle into a WWF ring for his Wrestlemania return, that was have not seen in 9 years. The electricity of the crowd was so electric, that it would’ve made sense to be exhausted by the time the opening bell hit, but that wouldn’t be the case, not for this sold out crowd. Hulk Hogan, was finally home. But at an even louder ovation, The Rock’s theme hit and with (what seemed like) millions of cameras flashing in the crowd, The Rock enters into the Ring and is set center stage in front of millions watching around the world, face to face with the Icon of Pro Wrestling, Hulk Hogan in the ring with him. The match started with a memorable stare down onto each other and the crowd.

The two lock up and Rock overpowers Hogan and muscles him to the ground. Hogan back to his feet and locks back up with The Rock, however, this time it would be Hogan to overpower and throws The Rock. This send the crowd into a complete frenzy and to add fuel to the fire, Hogan breaks the cool Hollywood persona and goes back into Retro Hogan and throws poses at The Rock. There is not a soul sitting for this monumental moment. The match goes on. During the match, The Rock locked on the Sharpshooter, causing Hogan to tap out. However, the referee was down and unable to acknowledge the submission. The Rock let go of the hold and tried to revive the referee, but Hogan gave him a low blow followed by his own version of The Rock’s finisher, the Rock Bottom for a two-count. The two tried their respective finishers, the Rock Bottom and the leg drop but each kicked out. After two more Rock Bottoms and a People’s Elbow, The Rock pins the Legendary Hulk Hogan and gets the 1-2-3 victory to win the match. After the match, Hall and Nash come to ringside and express disappointment o Hogan for losing and jump Hogan. The Rock assist Hogan and both of them beat on Nash and Hall. They clear the ring. The Rock also steps to the side and gives the spotlight to the 68 thousand plus, to pose for the crowd. Hogan, not only stole the show, but was once again and officially a face in the world wrestling federation.

The main event was for the World Wrestling Federation Undisputed Championship. Chris Jericho vs Triple H. Just like how Triple H entered with Motorhead playing his theme, Drowning Pool would play a version of his theme song as he entered to the ring. Jericho, entered the arena with Stephanie McMahon on his side and the match takes place. In all fairness, both of them really do give the world a very very good match. If you watched this match isolated to the rest of the card, you can really appreciate the efforts by both of them. However, at the same time, the crowd just was not into it, and it was not anything against the two men in the ring, but more so due to how overwhelming the Rock/Hogan match was and drained the crowd of all of their energy. Not even the Divas match before the championship match could help matters. During the match Triple H went for the Pedigree on Jericho through the announcers’ table. However, Jericho reversed it into a back drop, sending Triple H through the Spanish announcers’ table. Stephanie tried to hit Triple H with a steel chair but had it removed by referee Earl Hebner. Stephanie pushed Hebner aside but then, she was met by a Pedigree from Triple H. Jericho tried his own Pedigree on Triple H but ended up having it reversed into a catapult. Triple H then hit the Pedigree on Jericho and pinned him to become the new Undisputed Champion

Match Card

HEAT- Rikishi, Scotty 2 Hotty, and Albert defeated Mr. Perfect, Lance Storm and, Test


-Rob Van Dam defeated William Regal (c) to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship

-Diamond Dallas Page (c) defeated Christian to retain the WWF European Championship

-Maven (c) fought Goldust to a no contest in a Hardcore Match for the WWF Hardcore Championship. The title changed hands on a number of occasions between The Hurricanne, Molly Holly, Christian and back to Maven.

-Kurt Angle defeated Kane

-The Undertaker defeated Ric Flair in a no DQ match

-Edge defeated Booker T.

-Steve Austin defeated Scott Hall (with Kevin Nash).

-Billy and Chuck (c) defeated The APA (Faarooq and Bradshaw), The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) (with Stacy Keibler) and The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff) in a Four Corners Elimination match for the WWF Tag Team Championship with Billy and Chuck retaining the titles.

-The Rock defeated Hollywood Hulk Hogan

Jazz (c) defeated Trish Stratus and Lita in a triple threat match to retain the WWF Womens Championship

Triple H defeated Chris Jericho (c) (with Stephanie McMahon). To win the World Wrestling Federation Undisputed World Championship.

Wrestlemania IX (Written by: Maurice D. Proffit)

13 Mar

Wrestlemania 9

Date: April 4th  1993
City: Las Vegas, Nevada
Venue: Caesars Palace
Combined Attendance: 16,891
Sub-Theme: “An Event of Epic Proportions / The World’s Largest Toga Party”
Celebrities: Natalie Cole (in attendance)
Wrestlemania 9 was the first outdoor Wrestlemania and was promoted as the world largest Toga Party, where many of the WWE television personnel were in Greek Toga gear. WWF transformed Caesars Palace to pay homage to a classic Roman Coliseum. The environment was quite unique.
The event was centered around the double main events that were taking place. Main Event #1) The Mega Maniacs (Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake) vs Money Inc. for the WWF Tag Team Titles. And Main Event #2.) Bret “The Hitman” Hart vs Yokozuna for the World Wrestling Federation championship. Hogan made a recent return to the WWF, after Beefcake was attacked viciously by Money Inc on an episode of Monday Night Raw. Hogan and Beefcake formed an alliance and challenged Money Inc to the titles. This was Hogan’s in ring return to the WWF. Also, Yokozuna was the winner of the 1993 Royal Rumble, which was the first Rumble that had the stipulation “winner wrestles champ at mania”. Thus the reason for Yokozuna vs Bret Hart.
Wrestlemania 9, like mentioned before has a unique vibe to it and a surprisingly solid under card as well. Each match, I felt, was given a dignified amount of ring time. One match that really stood out to me was Shawn Michaels vs Tatanka for the Intercontinental Championship. It was a solid 20 min match that opened up Mania. Also, Luger and Perfect had a solid, mat quality match as well.
Taker Note: The Undertaker wrestled The Giant Gonzalez, in a much anticipated grudge match. The Undertaker won the match via DQ, when Gonzalez smothered him with “chloroform”, but Undertaker recovered immediately. Undertaker: 3-0 at Wrestlemania.

The Mega Maniacs wrestled Money Inc for the Tag titles. Not the most memorable match in terms of quality, in fact, Money Inc did a lot more to move the match well, and to enforce their heel position in the match. In fact, looking back on it, I think Hogan was more so there to collect a check and for the secondary part of Mania.
Bret The Hitman Hart defended the WWF Title against the Royal Rumble Winner, Yokozuna. The match was as good as it could get, given the mis-match. A few intense moments in the match with both Yoko and Bret’s offense. The defining moment of the match was when Bret was actually able to (somewhat) get the Sharpshooter on Yoko, until Mr. Fuji throws salt in the face of Bret and a second later, Yoko pins the champ for the 1-2-3 victory.

The closing bell damn near didn’t even finish, and then Hogan hits the ring to protest to the ref of what just occurred. We all know what happens, Fuji gets on the mike, challenges Hogan to face Yoko and then puts the title on the line. Hogan enters the ring (no bell sounds), Fuji hits Yoko with the salt (DQ?), knocks out Fuji, clotheslines Yoko, leg drops Yoko, Pins Yoko for the 1-2-3. Hulk Hogan is the new WWF Champion for the 5th time.

My problem with this is that Hogan put more effort in that 21 second match, than he did within the 20 min tag match that he had earlier. And I know it was all part of the booking, but it just looked so odd when Hogan was challenged. Fuji challenges him, Hogan waves it off like, “no, screw you man. I’m helping my friend since you blinded him and the ref is going to allow this injustice to happen.” Then Fuji is like, “We’ll put on the new WWF heavyweight belt, right here, right now.” Hogan’s face says “Oh really?” And it looks like he says to Bret “Hey, I know I was about to help you to the back, because you’re hurt and you can’t see. But they’re putting the belt on the line and I want this more than making sure you’re ok. Is that cool, brother?” Bret just says to him, “I guess I don’t have a choice! Just go!” And Hogan jumps in, 20 seconds later, new world champion. And the after math, Hogan wrestles ONE TIME, at the King of the Ring (2 months later) and drops the title to Yoko. Thanks for coming Hogan. See you in 9 years. 
Match Card
Dark:  Tito Santana defeated Papa Shango
-Tatanka (with Sensational Sherri) defeated Shawn Michaels (c) (with Luna Vachon) by countout; but Shawn holds on to the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship.
-The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott) defeated The Headshrinkers (Samu and Fatu) (with Afa)
-Doink the Clown defeated Crush
-Razor Ramon defeated Bob Backlund
-Money Inc. (Ted DiBiase and Irwin R. Schyster) (c) defeated The Mega-Maniacs (Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake) (with Jimmy Hart) by disqualification to retain the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles.
-Lex Luger defeated Mr. Perfect
-The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Giant Gonzalez (with Harvey Wippleman) by disqualification
-Yokozuna (with Mr. Fuji) defeated Bret Hart (c) to win the World Wrestling Federation Championship
-Hulk Hogan defeated Yokozuna (c) (with Mr. Fuji) to win the World Wrestling Federation Championship



Wrestlemania 8 (Written by: Maurice D. Proffit)

12 Mar

Wrestlemania 8


Date: April 5th, 1992

Cities: Indianapolis, Indiana

Venue: Hoosier Dome

Combined Attendance: 62,167

Sub-Theme: “Friendship Torn Apart, The Macho/Flair Affair, Hulkamania Farewell”

Celebrities: Reba McIntyre and Ray Combs

Wrestlemania 8 was the return of wrestlemania coming to a massive dome arena. This was the first wrestlemania to feature a double main event and the first wrestlemania where the world wrestling federation champion was not involved in the closing match. In my opinion, this Wrestlemania missed the mark on so many levels.

The back story of this wrestlemania is what started the fire. The 1992 Royal Rumble had a stipulation where the winner to the Rumble would win the World Wrestling Federation Championship. Going in to the Rumble, Hulk Hogan was the odds on favorite to win it, but with a shocking turn of events, Ric Flair beat the odds and lasted over 60 min, to win the vacant WWF Championship. A couple weeks later, the contract signing for the main event at Wrestlemania took place for the inevitable dream match (that wrestling fans have been dying for) Ric Flair vs Hulk Hogan for the WWF Championship. However, due to poor responses at house shows between the two, the championship main event was scrapped, and replacing Hogan would be Randy “Macho Man” Savage for the title and Hogan would face “former best friend” Sid Justice.

Wrestlemania had some flaws, however, one thing that was absolutely flawless was the match for the Intercontinental Championship, Rowdy Roddy Piper (champion) vs Bret “The Hitman” Hart. The quality of and story of this match was reminiscent of Savage and Steamboat 5 years earlier; different, yet familiar. In my opinion, this and the championship match stole the show. In a bloody battle, Bret Hart went on to win the IC belt for the 2nd time.

Taker Moment: The Undertaker went against Jake The Snake Roberts in a grudge match. Undertaker tombstone Jake outside the ring, and placed him back in the ring for the 1-2-3 pin fall victory. Undertaker is 2-0 at wrestlemania.


Macho Man Randy Savage and Ric Flair gave an excellent 20 min match, with a very intense story. Leading up to the match, and to give it a little more spice, Flair made allegations that him and Liz had a very romantic past with each other and claimed to have rekindled the relationship. Flair had doctored up photos of him and Liz and had them published in the WWF magazines. This drove Savage insane and was willing to do anything to Flair to extract revenge. Savage did such a fine job at selling the match, that his intensity showed that getting his hands on Flair meant more to him than winning the WWF Championship. In another wrestlemania quality match, Savage stole the show, and he won the World Wrestling Federation championship. Even after being declared the victor, Savage still wanted more of Flair. It took Mr. Perfect from getting Flair and fleeing ringside to save him and Elizabeth and refs to stop Savage to calm him down in risk of the decision being reversed. But the overall was that we had a new champion.

Wrestlemania closed out with Sid Justice vs Hulk Hogan in a grudge match. This match was being billed as the end of the Hulkamania tour as Hogan was going to “retire” (aka: take some time off). This match missed a lot of queues and seriously should’ve been in the middle of the card. Papa Shango made an interference in the match but was REALLY late making his interference into the match, leading to Hogan winning via Disqualification. This was also the return of the Ultimate Warrior. When Shango and Sid were beating on Hogan, the Warrior returned and  saved Hogan. Now in credit, this was before the Internet era, so this surprise was a really big deal, and I can only imagine what the good fans in the Hoosier Dome were feeling when his music hit and he ran to ringside. I also heard that Sid crapped in his pants in this match, I guess it was just symbolic of the collective feel of everyone’s opinion of the match. (womp-womp)

Match Card

Dark: The Bushwhackers (Luke Williams and Butch Miller) defeated The Beverly Brothers

Shawn Michaels (with Sensational Sherri) defeated El Matador

The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Jake Roberts

Bret Hart defeated Roddy Piper (c)

The Big Boss Man, Virgil, Sgt. Slaughter, and Jim Duggan defeated The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags), Repo Man, and The Mountie (with Jimmy Hart)

Randy Savage (with Miss Elizabeth) defeated Ric Flair (c) (with Mr. Perfect)

Tatanka defeated Rick Martel

The Natural Disasters (Earthquake and Typhoon) defeated Money Inc. (Ted DiBiase and Irwin R. Schyster) (c) (with Jimmy Hart) by countout

Owen Hart defeated Skinner

Hulk Hogan defeated Sid Justice (with Harvey Wippleman) by disqualification

Wrestlemania VII (Written By: Maurice D. Proffit)

11 Mar

Wrestlemania 7

Date: March 24th, 1991

Cities: Los Angeles, California

Venue:  Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena

Combined Attendance:  16, 158

Sub-Theme: “Stars and Stripes Forever”

Celebrities:  Regis Philbin, Alex Trebek, Marla Maples, Macaulay Culkin (in attendance) and Donald Trump

Originally advertised, Wrestlemania 7 was supposed to take place at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, potentially having a 100,000 in attendance to break the record. However, according to the World Wrestling Federation, due to the company receiving threats of a possible attack at the event and due to the emotionally tied story line connecting with Sgt. Slaughter, The WWF decided to move the event to the adjacent arena, next to the coliseum, for safety. Or was it because of embarrassing low ticket sales that took place? Helluva difference going from 100,000 fans to a mere 16,000 fans. However, the show must go on! And on we go!

Aug of 1990, the United States of America declared war on the country of Iraq, due to their invasion in Iran. President George HW Bush, addressed the nation on Aug 8th 1990 (I remember this vividly since it was my 9th birthday) about the crimes of then dictator Sudam Hussein. During this time, there was a sense of unity when it came to American citizens supporting our troops fighting for our country and a stance of solidarity when it came to standing behind all that was Red, White and Blue. And how perfect of an opportunity was this for the World Wrestling Federation to capitalize on this? Enter Sgt. Slaughter.

Sgt. Slaughter was brought back to the WWF for this reason. However, instead of being the tough talking, hard hitting, American GI that he once was, he turned his back on the United States and became an Iraqi sympathizer. Aligning himself with General Adnan, Sgt. Slaughter was now donning the colors of red, white, black and green, the colors of the Iraqi flag. Slaughter defeated the Ultimate Warrior at the 1991 Royal Rumble to become the WWF Champion. And what better of an opponent to have than none other than the Immortal Hulk Hogan. Hulk Hogan challenged Slaughter for the WWF Championship at Wrestlemania 7, Slaughter accepted, and a main event was born.

Wrestlemania 7 was a very entertaining show, and really encompassed the “who’s-who” of the WWF at the time, which was really a golden era in terms of popularity at this time. A very entertaining card indeed, with great commentary from Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby Heenan and Rowdy Roddy Piper. This had to be one of the most emotional wrestlemanias as well. Between the main event and Virgil wrestling his former employer The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase. But there was one match that kept the people on the edge of their seats, and the hallways, concession and bathrooms empty. I’m talking the “Retirement Match” between The Macho King Randy Savage vs The Ultimate Warrior. This rivalry was so heated leading up to mania, you as the viewer, truly felt that the saying “this town aint big enough for the two of us”, screamed truth with these two.  Their heat for each other came across TV as so vicious that it was only fitting that the loser would have to retire. Randy Savage, the perfectionist he is, proved that trait to be true as he single handedly made the Warrior look like a 5 star athlete. Warrior and Savage left it all in the ring, including Savage throwing 5 flying elbow drops on the Warrior, just for him to kick out. The end saw The Ultimate Warrior give Savage 3 shoulder tackles, and pinned him with one foot.

Savage’s career was over. With that being done, so was Queen Sherri. Macho did all he could do to the Warrior, but Sherri refused to be sympathetic as she attacked the Macho Man. Unable to defend himself and fight back, one WOMAN was able to come to his aid, enter the return of the lovely Miss Elizabeth. Liz throws Sherri out the ring and comes to Savages rescue. When Savage realizes what has happened aftering piecing all of the happenings together, with nothing left but a goodbye to the crowd, Savage leaves the WWF the way he came in, in the arms of the lovely Miss Elizabeth as they embrace each other by a hug that symbolized reuniting. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house as they marched away down the aisle for the “last time”.

Taker Note: This was the Undertaker’s first wrestlmania, he faced SuperFly Jimmy Snuka. And defeated him. Taker is 1-0 at Wrestlemania

The Main event saw The World Wrestling Federation Champion Sgt. Slaughter battle Hulk Hogan for the WWF Championship. Hogan wrestling not only for himself and the company, but also for the honor of the United States. In a bloody bloody battle, Hogan refuses to give up.

Slaughter does everything to put Hogan away, and just when slaughter thought the job was done as he pinned Hogan with the Iraqi Flag and the blood on Hogan’s face, Hogan miraculously kicks out, sees the blood and rips the Iraqi flag in half. After the formulaic “hulk up”, Hogan delivers the big boot to the leg drop to Slaughter and pins him in the middle of the ring, 1-2-3, to win the World Wrestling Federation Championship belt for the 3rd time.

Match Card

The Rockers (Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty) defeated The Barbarian and Haku (with Bobby Heenan)

The Texas Tornado defeated Dino Bravo (with Jimmy Hart)

The British Bulldog defeated The Warlord (with Slick)

The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags) (with Jimmy Hart) defeated The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart) (c) To win the WWF Tag Team Championship

Jake Roberts defeated Rick Martel in a blindfold match

The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) defeated Jimmy Snuka (Taker: 1-0)

The Ultimate Warrior defeated Randy Savage (with Sensational Queen Sherri) In a retirement match

Tenryu and Kitao defeated Demolition (Crush and Smash) (with Mr. Fuji)

The Big Boss Man defeated Mr. Perfect (c) (with Bobby Heenan) by disqualification For the Intercontinental Championship

Earthquake (with Jimmy Hart) defeated Greg Valentine

The Legion of Doom (Hawk and Animal) defeated Power and Glory (Paul Roma and Hercules) (with Slick)

Virgil (with Roddy Piper) defeated Ted DiBiase by countout

The Mountie (with Jimmy Hart) defeated Tito Santana

Hulk Hogan defeated Sgt. Slaughter (c) (with General Adnan) to win the World Wrestling Federation Championship

Wrestlemania VI (Written By: Maurice D. Proffit)

11 Mar

Wrestlemania 6

Date: April 1st , 1990

Cities: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Venue: Toronto Sky Dome

Combined Attendance: 67,678

Sub-Theme: “The Ultimate Challenge”

Celebrities: Steve Allen, Robert Goulet and Rona Barrett

Wrestlemania 6 was the first Wrestlemania to be held on international soil, taking place in Toronto, Canada. This Wrestlemania can be looked at as the most remembered wrestlemania among casual wrestling fans and people in general. This was the first time when the main event pitted the two most popular stars at the time (and arguably the two most popular in history among casual wrestling fans) against each other. We’re taking “The Ultimate Challenge”; World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion The Ultimate Warrior vs The World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan. Title for Title. In which both the IC and The World Title would be on the line. One man would leave with both belts. Very non-traditional in terms of a champion vs champion match. Normally a match of this caliber, the secondary title would not be on the line. But because this match was a matter of Which power was greater? Hulkamania or The Power of the Warrior? This match has to be the underline answer. Thus both titles are on the line.

Personally, yes, I felt this wrestlemania was memorable, in terms of the main event. You didn’t necessarily see a “good guy” vs “good guy” main event during this day and age. With both men being the most popular in the company, fans had no other choice but to choose a side for this match. It was a clear 50/50 split of whom the crowd was pulling for. However, the rest of the card was pretty forgettable. I did enjoy The Million Dollar Man “Ted DiBiase vs Jake “The Snake” Roberts match. It was a grounded wrestling match, given enough time to tell a decent story in the ring, as opposed to some of the other matches that only lasted about 3-4 min.

When I watched this earlier, it made me think of how much of a missed opportunity the WWF made, regarding Savage vs Rhodes. I know it’s an apples and oranges comparison, but if the NWA has their hands on that match, that match would’ve headlines Starrcade, easily.

I was not yet a wrestling fan when this came on, but I remember my classmates in elementary school were, and looking back on that now, reminds me of the Rock/Cena divide now (without FB an twitter, of course). Kids arguing back and forth over who was better, Hogan or Warrior.

Hogan beat so-n-so; Warrior beat so-n-so. Hogan was two time world champ; Warrior was the two time IC champ. Hogan was stronger; warrior was stronger. The match up itself really left you wondering, who would be the winner? The real winner were the fans. But after a 20+ min battle of strength and drama, The Ultimate Warrior was that much of the better man to stand victorious as he defeated the Immortal Hulk Hogan to win the World Wrestling Federation championship title.

Match Card

Dark Match:  Paul Roma defeated The Brooklyn Brawler

Rick Martel defeated Koko B. Ware

Demolition (Ax and Smash) defeated The Colossal Connection (André the Giant and Haku) (c) (with Bobby Heenan) to win the WWF Tag Team Championships

Earthquake (with Jimmy Hart) defeated Hercules

Brutus Beefcake defeated Mr. Perfect (with The Genius)

Roddy Piper and Bad News Brown fought to a double countout.

The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart) defeated The Bolsheviks (Nikolai Volkoff and Boris Zhukov).

The Barbarian (with Bobby Heenan) defeated Tito Santana

Dusty Rhodes and Sapphire (with Miss Elizabeth) defeated Randy Savage and Sensational Queen Sherri

The Orient Express (Sato and Tanaka) (with Mr. Fuji) defeated The Rockers (Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty) by countout

Jim Duggan defeated Dino Bravo (with Jimmy Hart and Earthquake)

Ted DiBiase (c) (with Virgil) defeated Jake Roberts by countout, to retain the Million Dollar Championship

The Big Boss Man defeated Akeem (with Slick)

Rick Rude (with Bobby Heenan) defeated Jimmy Snuka

The Ultimate Warrior (Intercontinental Champion) defeated Hulk Hogan (WWF Champion) to win the WWF Championship




Wrestlemania V (Written By: Maurice D. Proffit)

9 Mar


Date: April 2nd, 1989
Cities: Atlantic City, New Jersey
Venue: Trump Plaza
Combined Attendance: 18,946
Sub-Theme: “The Mega Powers Explode”
Celebrities: Run-DMC; Morton Downey, Jr. and Donald Trump
Wrestlemania 5 was the culmination of a one year story line that surrounded The Mega Powers. The Mega Powers was the tag team formed together of the then World Wrestling Federation Champion “Macho Man” Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan. With this being a year round storyline, it was fitting that this story concludes at the venue where it started. In addition this was the only two wrestlemania to be held at the same venue for consecutive years.
After Randy Savage won the 14 man tournament at Wrestlemania 4, shortly after that he joined forces with Hulk Hogan and together, as the Mega Powers, they took on various heel tag teams in the company. However as time continued to go on, the tension between Savage ad Hogan continued to rise, more so on Savages part. At 1/7/89 Saturday nights main event, Hogan was in a one on one match with Akeem “The African Dream”. And took a beating by both him and his tag team partner “The Big Boss Man”. Savage came to Hogans rescue with a steel chair, and whil Savage cleared the ring, Elixabeth (Savages valet) escorted Hogan to the medic in the back. Savage was upset with this. Issues carried over to the Royal Rumble that year when Hogan accidently eliminated Macho and they had words as well, but it all cleared up. The last straw was at the Feb 3 edition of “The Main Event”. The match was The Mega Powers vs The Twin Towers, during the match, Liz was accidently knocked out when the Twin towers threw Savage outside the ring. Hogan carried Liz to the medic in the back and left Savage to be pummeled by the Twin Towers. When Hogan returned to the match, Savage had the opportunity to tag out, but instead slapped Hogan in the face and left ringside. In the medic, Savage got into a verbal confrontation with Hogan, with Liz right there, accusing Hogan of having a relatonsyhip with Liz. Hogan denied, and with Savage in a jelous rage, attached Hogan with the WWF Championship. The Mega Powers were no more.
This brings us to Wrestlemania 5, with an overly stacked card of 14 matches.  Im sure the WWF got a pretty solid deal to bring Wrestlemania to Trump Plaza two years in a row and was great business for the venue and casino. So great in fact that once again, we see Donald Trump and his associates and NOW Ivana (or was that WM 4?) encomopassing the first 3-4 rows. And us viewers at home get a strong eye full of them not paying attention and or missing for half the PPV, but are there for the main event at least. I get you guys are rich and rich people always have to appear busy, but geez, lighten up a little!
Personally, one of my favorite matches was for the Intercontinental Championship, The Ultimate Warrior (champion) vs Ravishing Rick Rude. Rude carried this match very well and made the limited Warrior look especially strong. The highlight was Bobby Heenan’s interference in the match, which costed The Warrior the title and Rude is the new champion.

The Main event is for the WWF Championship. Champion, Randy “Macho Man” Savage vs Challenger Hulk Hogan. I think this was the first main event match of wrestlemania with a heightened amount of emotion behind it. Savage and Hogan played a character that all men can relate to. One being the very erratic and irrational jelouse boyfriend and one being the misunderstood, see it from my angel, but im going to defend my honor kind of guy. As much as it plays out as a shakesphere play, this match was full of intensity. I personally think that Randy really BROUGHT IT in this match. Savage dug deep in emotions in this match and really sold it to us the viewers that he would be willing to do anything to keep the WWF title, where as with Hogan, at times it looked as if he was just picking up his belt and leaving. I think Jesse The Body Venturas commentary said it all in this match when he praised the work and achievements of Savage at the beginning of the match and stated that Hogan just coatailed his way to this championship match, and who in the hell was Elizabeth before she got with Savage??? Wow…I miss that kind of commentary. In the end after a brutal battle, it would be Hulk Hogan who stands in victory and win the World Wrestling Federation Championship for the 2nd time.
Match Card
-Hercules defeated King Haku (with Bobby Heenan)
– The Twin Towers (Akeem and The Big Boss Man) (with Slick) defeated The Rockers (Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty)
– Brutus Beefcake and Ted DiBiase (with Virgil) fought to a double countout
– The Bushwhackers (Luke Williams and Butch Miller) defeated The Fabulous Rougeaus (Jacques and Raymond) (with Jimmy Hart)[
– Mr. Perfect defeated The Blue Blazer
– Demolition (Ax and Smash) (c) defeated The Powers of Pain (The Warlord and The Barbarian) and Mr. Fuji[
– Dino Bravo (with Frenchy Martin) defeated Ronnie Garvin
– The Brain Busters (Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard) (with Bobby Heenan) defeated Strike Force (Rick Martel and Tito Santana)
– Jake Roberts defeated André the Giant (with Bobby Heenan) by disqualification
– The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart) defeated The Honky Tonk Man and Greg Valentine (with Jimmy Hart)
– Rick Rude (with Bobby Heenan) defeated The Ultimate Warrior to win the Intercontinental Championship
– Jim Duggan and Bad News Brown fought to a double disqualification
– The Red Rooster defeated Bobby Heenan (with The Brooklyn Brawler)[
– Hulk Hogan defeated Randy Savage (c) To win the World Wrestling Federation Championship. 


Wrestlemania IV (Written By: Maurice D. Proffit)

8 Mar

Wrestlemania 4

Date: March 27th, 1988
Cities: Atlantic City, New Jersey
Venue: Trump Plaza
Combined Attendance: 18,165
Sub-Theme: “What The World Is Watching”
Celebrities: Bob Uecker; Vanna White, Donald Trump, Gladys Knight and Robin Leach
 Riding the white hot story that the world has been captivated on, Wrestlemania 4 is built on the controversy surrounding the World Wrestling Federation Championship. At the 1988 Royal Rumble (First Royal Rumble) in January, then world champion Hulk Hogan signed a contract to face Andre The Giant in what was to be the rematch of the century, taking place at the first ever “The Main Event” which would take place the next month. The match ended in a screw job finish involving a twin referee who was not an official WWF ref. Andre won the WWF Championship, but only held the belt for a little over 40 seconds as he sold the championship to The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase. Due to the confusion and controversy, then “President” Jack Tunney vacated the title and declared a 14 man tournament to take place at Wrestlemania 4.
Wrestlemania 4 was a loaded PPV card. From the make of the card, you saw just about everything happen in this one event. The PPV started off with a 20 man battle royal. Usually the wrestlemania battle royal is common, but when you have a full 14 man single elimination tournament  in the same night, quite an eyebrow raiser. Bad News Brown went on to win the battle royal, but Bret “The Hitman” Hart smashing the winning trophy awarded to Bad News, was the highlight of this match and the beginning of a strong and prosperous face run for both The Hitman and his partner Jim The Anvil Neidhart (The Hart Foundation).
Wrestlemania also saw some isolated matches (from the tournament) one of them being Demolition vs Strike Force (champions) for the WWF Tag Team Championship, and Demolitions wins.
One thing that was painfully noticeable was the pack of Donald Trump and his associates encompassing the first 3-4 rows at ringside. Makes sense, of course, it’s your building, you should be at ringside. But, for the wrestling fan sitting at home watching this (wishing he/she was there). Kind of annoying when you see them either not paying attention to the show or just leaving their seats for an obscene amount of time. I know it’s not first world problems, but just wanted to say that.
The tournament involved Hulk Hogan, Andre “The Giant”, “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan, “The Million Dollar” Man Ted DiBiase, “The Rock” Don Muraco, Dino Bravo, Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, Randy “Macho Man” Savage, “The Natural” Butch Reed, Bam Bam Bigelow, The One Man Gang, Jake “The Snake” Roberts and “Ravishing” Rick Rude.
The tournament’s finals was “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase vs “Macho Man” Randy Savage. This was Savage’s 4th match, and due to a bye in the 2nd round, this was Dibiase’s 3rd match of the night. Due to their recent “business relationship” DiBiase has Andre The Giant at ringside in his corner, and realizing that Savage couldn’t do much with Elizabeth in his, Savage ordered Liz to get the equalizaer for this match…Hulk Hogan. Evening out the odds, Hogan made sure that the outcome would be clear and clean, and with one flying elbow drop later, the world witnessed The Macho Man Randy Savage as the new and undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion.

Match Card
– Bad News Brown defeated nineteen other participants by last eliminating Bret Hart in the 20 man over the top rope battle royal.
– Ted DiBiase (with Virgil and André the Giant) defeated Jim Duggan
– Don Muraco (with Billy Graham) defeated Dino Bravo (with Frenchy Martin) by disqualification
– Greg Valentine (with Jimmy Hart) defeated Ricky Steamboat (with Little Dragon).
– Randy Savage (with Miss Elizabeth) defeated Butch Reed (with Slick).
– One Man Gang (with Slick) defeated Bam Bam Bigelow (with Oliver Humperdink) by countout
– Rick Rude (with Bobby Heenan) and Jake Roberts fought to a time-limit draw
– The Ultimate Warrior defeated Hercules (with Bobby Heenan)
– Hulk Hogan and André the Giant (with Ted DiBiase and Virgil) fought to a double disqualification
– Ted DiBiase defeated Don Muraco (with Billy Graham).[
– Randy Savage (with Miss Elizabeth) defeated Greg Valentine (with Jimmy Hart).
– Brutus Beefcake defeated The Honky Tonk Man (c) (with Jimmy Hart and Peggy Sue) by disqualification
– The Islanders (Haku and Tama) and Bobby Heenan defeated The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid) and Koko B. Ware
– Randy Savage (with Miss Elizabeth) defeated One Man Gang (with Slick) by disqualification.[
– Demolition (Ax and Smash) (with Mr. Fuji) defeated Strike Force (c) (Rick Martel and Tito Santana).
– Randy Savage (with Miss Elizabeth and Hulk Hogan) defeated Ted DiBiase (with André the Giant).


Wrestlemania 3 (Written By: Maurice D. Proffit)

7 Mar

Wrestlemania 3

Date: March 29th, 1987
Cities: Pontiac, Michigan
Venue: Pontiac Silverdome
Combined Attendance: 93,173
Sub-Theme: “Bigger, Better, Badder”
Celebrities: Mary Hart; Bob Uecker; Alice Cooper and Aretha Franklin
At this time, the WWF is smoking hot. They are getting a larger audience by the days, more and more people are purchasing merchandise and shows around north America are selling out faster and faster. The WWF was now, not just a entity by itself, but it shared the limelight with 1980’s pop culture in general with the heavyweight champion of the world, Hulk Hogan, being the symbol behind all of this. With the combination of great business and strong buzz, it was only fitting that taking wrestlemania to the next step up would make sense. With this being said, Vince McMahon, who is no stranger to looking danger dead in the eye, set his sights on creating the largest gathering of wrestling fans and not only break a wrestlemania record, but also a world record of the largest indoor attendance for a show.

The only thing that would make this happen is to book the biggest wrestling match in history, which, to this day, still is being spoken about. Enter in Andre The Giant vs Hulk Hogan for the WWF Championship. Andre had a very strong and very dominating career with the WWF and at this time he was in his twilight. Andre, at one time was the biggest draw of the company. Putting him on a wrestling card guaranteed big money, but his glory days were soon behind him. Hulk Hogan was now the face and hero of the World Wrestling Federation. Fans all over the world were hooked onto his determination and charisma, to see him overtake evil. Long time friends they were, but the angle for this was that Bobby Heenan convinced Andre that he should have a crack at the World title that Hogan never gave him a shot at. It was almost instant where the influence of Heenan voided out a nearly 7 year friendship with the two, where greed made friendship subservient. Andre wanted the belt, but Hogan wasn’t ready to die. Hogan vs Andre was the classic “passing of the torch” match. One generations leader was passing the torch to the next to lead the company into the future. Although there was looming doubt that was above the heads of management and the wrestlers, regarding how Andre would handle this match, it was clear and obvious that Andre knew what was best for business when Hogan body slammed the monster and hit him with the leg drop for the 1-2-3 victory. Ending Andres 10 yrs undefeated streak and Hogan retaining the world title. The match cemented both men into the history books not only as competitors, but also legends.
-The Can-Am Connection (Rick Martel and Tom Zenk) defeated Bob Orton and The Magnificent Muraco (with Mr. Fuji)

-Billy Jack Haynes and Hercules (with Bobby Heenan) fought to a double countout
-Hillbilly Jim, The Haiti Kid and Little Beaver defeated King Kong Bundy, Little Tokyo and Lord Littlebrook by disqualification
-Harley Race (with Bobby Heenan and The Fabulous Moolah) defeated The Junkyard Dog
-The Dream Team (Greg Valentine and Brutus Beefcake) (with Johnny Valiant and Dino Bravo) defeated The Rougeau Brothers (Jacques and Raymond)
-Roddy Piper defeated Adrian Adonis (with Jimmy Hart)
-The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart) and Danny Davis (with Jimmy Hart) defeated The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid) and Tito Santana
-Butch Reed (with Slick) defeated Koko B. Ware
-Ricky Steamboat (with George Steele) defeated Randy Savage (Intercontinental Championship) (with Miss Elizabeth). Steamboat wins the Intercontinental Championship; in what is being said (to this day) is the greatest match in history.
-The Honky Tonk Man (with Jimmy Hart) defeated Jake Roberts (with Alice Cooper)
-The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff (with Slick) defeated The Killer Bees (B. Brian Blair and Jim Brunzell) by disqualification
-Hulk Hogan (World Wrestling Federation Champion) defeated André the Giant (with Bobby Heenan)


Wrestlemania 2 (Written By: Maurice D. Proffit)

6 Mar

Wrestlemania 2

Date: April 7th 1986
Cities: Uniondale, New York; Chicago, IL and Los Angeles, California
Venues: NY = Nassau Coliseum; IL= Rosemont Horizon and CA = L.A. Sports Arena
Combined Attendance: 40,085
Sub-Theme: “What the World Has Come To”

Celebrities: Robert Conrad; Cathy Lee Crosby; Susan St. James; Cassandra Peterson; Joan Rivers; Rick Schroder; Mr. T; Dick Butkus; Jim Covert; Darryl Dawkins; Lou Duva; Bill Fralic; Russ Francis; Ernie Holmes; Ed Jones; Tommy Lasorda; Harvey Martin; William “The Refrigerator” Perry; Cab Calloway; Ray Charles; Ozzy Osbourne; Chet Coppock; John Menick; G. Gordon Liddy; Clara Peller
Wrestlemania 2. The sequel to the greatest wrestling show in the history of the business. Wrestlemania 1 was such a dynamite success, that it would only be fitting to continue the tradition and having Wrestlemania 2, held around 1 year later. April 1986 it is. In the interest of continuing to push the envelope and keep the innovation wheel turning. McMahon was encouraged to make Mania even bigger, buy holding the event in THREE different venues, THREE different cities, to celebrate its SECOND anniversary, all in ONE night. Another roll of the dice that McMahon was doing for his brain child. Although ambitious, not the best received and a logistic nightmare. But still a solid show (wrestling wise). Thankfully, this didn’t hurt the company. Just like WM 1, WM2 was shown via closed circuit. But in addition, at the arenas where the event was being held, when that location was either waiting or their local card was complete, giant screens would come down and the crowd would watch the rest of the show. Each venue had its own main event. This was easily the most celebrity heavy wrestlemania of all time (25)!
New York: Boxing Match Between Rowdy Roddy Piper vs Mr. T. Mr. T won via disqualification, when Piper bodyslammed him in the 4th round. I can imagine that this idea was excellent on paper, but when it happened wasn’t the best received.
Chicago = For the WWF Tag Team Championship. The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith and Dynamite Kid) vs The Dream Team (Greg Valentine and Brutus Beefcake). The Bulldogs ended up being victorious and won the tag titles.
Los Angeles:  For the WWF Championship in a Steel Cage match. Hulk Hogan vs King Kong Bundy. After Bundy hit Hogan with the “avalanche” big splash, Hogan wasn’t phased by it, and after hulking up, scooped up Bundy for a slam, followed by the leg drop of doom. And Hogan proceeded to climb over the steel cage and hit the floor to gain the victory and retain the WWF Championship. 

Match Card
Nassau Coliseum
– Paul Orndorff and The Magnificent Muraco (with Mr. Fuji) fought to a double countout.  (4:10)
– Randy Savage (Intercontinental Champion) (with Miss Elizabeth) defeated George Steele.   (5:10)
– Jake Roberts defeated George Wells  (3:15)
– Mr. T (with Joe Frazier and The Haiti Kid) defeated Roddy Piper (with Bob Orton and Lou Duva) by disqualification  (13:14)
Rosemont Horizon
-The Fabulous Moolah (WWF Womens Champion) defeated Velvet McIntyre.  (1:25)
– Corporal Kirchner defeated Nikolai Volkoff (with Freddie Blassie), in a Flag Match.   (2:05)
– André the Giant defeated 19 other participants by last eliminating Bret Hart in a 20 man over the top rope battle royal.  (9:13)

The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid) (with Ozzy Osbourne and Lou Albano) defeated The Dream Team (Greg Valentine and Brutus Beefcake) (c) (with Johnny Valiant) to win the WWF Tag Team Championships. (13:03)
Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena
-Ricky Steamboat defeated Hercules Hernandez. (7:27)
– Adrian Adonis (with Jimmy Hart) defeated Uncle Elmer. (3:01)
– Terry Funk and Hoss Funk (with Jimmy Hart) defeated Junkyard Dog and Tito Santana. (11:42)
– Hulk Hogan (The WWF Champion) defeated King Kong Bundy (with Bobby Heenan) in a steel cage match.  (10:15)